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燃 : Burn
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burn, blaze, glow
も.える も.やす も.す
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 灬 (86) |
Usage Rating: | 948 |
Unicode: | 071c3 |
jis208: | 39-19 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
燃 Usage examples
燃え残り | embers |
燃え差し | embers, stub (of a used candle) |
燃え滓 燃えかす | cinders |
燃え種 | kindling |
難燃加工 | fireproof |
燃え盛る 燃えさかる | to blaze, to burn brightly |
闘志を燃やす | to burn with combativeness |
燃焼炉 | combustion furnace |
完全燃焼 | perfect combustion |
燃料費 | fuel expenses, cost of fuel |
ジェット燃料 | jet fuel |
外燃機関 | external combustion engine |
核燃料サイクル | nuclear fuel cycle |
核燃料再処理 | nuclear fuel reprocessing |
航空燃料 | aviation fuel |
混合酸化物燃料 | mixed plutonium and uranium oxides fuel, MOX |
混合燃料 | blended fuel |
使用済み核燃料 使用済核燃料 | spent nuclear fuel |
燃費基準 | fuel economy standards |
燃料電池 | fuel cell |
燃え出す | to catch fire |
爆燃 | knocking (e.g. in car engines) |
低燃費 | low fuel consumption |
核燃料化 | (nuclear fuel) enrichment |
意気に燃える | to be fired up with enthusiasm for accomplishing something |
燃え尽き症候群 | burnout syndrome |
バイオ燃料 | biofuel |
航空機燃料税 | aviation fuel tax |