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能 : Ability
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ability, talent, skill, capacity
たか の のり よし
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 273 |
Unicode: | 080fd |
jis208: | 39-29 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
能 Usage examples
職能代表制 | vocational representation system |
能掛かり | resembling a noh performance |
能を演ずる | to play a noh drama |
脇能 | minor piece in noh plays |
可能世界モデル | possible-world model |
機能単一化文法 | functional unification grammar, FUG |
言語機能 | language faculty |
言語能力 | (linguistic) competence, language capability |
語彙機能文法 | lexical-functional grammar, LFG |
反証可能性 | falsifiability |
学習能力 | learning ability |
機能主義 | functionalism |
技能者 | technician |
性能特性 | performance characteristic |
性本能 | sex instinct |
積載能力 | carrying (loading) capacity (power) |
潜在能力 | potential, latent faculties, potential capacities |
超能力者 | person with supernatural power, person capable of extrasensory perception |
不能者 | impotent (person) |
霊能者 | medium |
意思能力 | mental capacity |
官能基 | functional group |
官能検査 | sensory evaluation |
肝機能 | liver function |
軍事能力 | military capability |
高機能携帯電話 | smart phone |
再生可能エネルギー | renewable energy |
市場可能性 | market potential |
支払い能力 支払能力 | solvency, ability to pay |
支払不能 | insolvency |
性機能不全 | sexual dysfunction |
生産能力 | plant and equipment, production equipment, productive capacity |
生産能力過剰 | overcapacity |
生理機能 | physiology |
能率給方式 | merit system |
能力主義制度 | meritocratic system |
放射能攻撃 | radiological attack |
放射能漏れ | radiation leakage |
防衛能力 | defense capability, defence capability |
能わず | unable to do, impossible to do |
能天気 能転気 | optimistic, thoughtless, insolent |
実行機能 | executive functioning, function execution |
無為無能 | idle and incompetent, accomplishing nothing significant nor being capable of doing so |
一芸一能 | (excelling in) one area or skill, (being skilled or gifted in) one certain area |
応変能力 | ability to take proper steps to meet the situation, ability to adapt oneself to (the requirement of) the moment |
官能小説 | erotic novel, amorous novel, pornographic novel |
再起不能 | being beyond recovery, having no hope of recovery |
自浄能力 | self-cleansing power, being capable of purifying oneself |
達成可能 | achievable, attainable |
不可能事 | an impossibility |
無芸無能 | talentless and imcompetent, incompetent and unaccomplished |
無能無策 | ineptitude and inaction, being incapable of devising any appropriate measures to cope with the situation |
実現可能性 | feasibility |