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廃 : Abolish
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abolish, obsolete, cessation, discarding, abandon
すた.れる すた.る
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 广 (53) |
Usage Rating: | 698 |
Unicode: | 05ec3 |
jis208: | 39-49 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
廃 Usage examples
流行り廃り はやり廃り | changes in fashion |
老廃 | superannuation |
老廃物 | waste products |
廃り | waste, wastage, waster |
廃れた | out of date, disused, obsolete |
廃藩 | abolition of the han system |
廃ガス | waste gas |
核廃棄物 | nuclear waste |
産業廃棄物 | industrial waste |
廃油 | waste oil |
核廃絶 | total abolition of nuclear weapons |
医療廃棄物 | hospital waste |
上場廃止 | delisting |
廃刀令 | sword prohibition |
統廃合 | reorganization (e.g. of a company), reorganisation, consolidation, scrap-and-build |
人倫退廃 人倫頽廃 | decline (decay, corruption) of ethical standards |
風紀退廃 風紀頽廃 | decay (decline, corruption) of public morals, moral decadence |
存廃問題 | question of maintenance or abolition (of an institution, organization, etc.) |
道徳退廃 | moral decadence (decline, corruption) |
廃合整理 | reorganization, restructuring |
廃する | to dethrone, to depose, to repeal, to discontinue |
廃品回収業 | waste management (garbage collection) industry |
廃品回収業者 | garbage man, garbage collector |
廃部 | abolished club, club that has had its status repealed |
核廃棄 | abandoning nuclear weapons, etc., nuclear disposal |
廃駅 | abandoned station, closed station |
廃村 | ghost town, deserted village, village without inhabitants |
死刑廃止 | abolition of the death penalty, abolition of capital punishment |
奴隷制度廃止 | abolition of slavery |