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配 : Distribute
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distribute, spouse, exile, rationing
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 酉 (164) |
Usage Rating: | 359 |
Unicode: | 0914d |
jis208: | 39-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
配 Usage examples
欠配 | suspension of rations or payments |
異種交配 | crossbreeding |
好配 | good spouse, good dividend |
映配 | film distributing company |
心を配る | to give attention |
心配を掛ける 心配をかける | to cause someone to worry |
富の分配 | distribution of wealth |
上り勾配 | uphill grade, upgrade |
直接支配 | immediate dominance, ID |
手配書 | wanted poster, wanted person bulletin, search instructions |
新聞配達 | (newspaper) carrier, newspaper (delivery) boy (girl), new |
配水管 | conduit (pipe), water pipe |
配偶子 | gamete |
配点 | allotment (allocation) of marks |
プリント配線 | printed circuit, printed wiring |
位相配列レーダー | phased-array radar |
異形配偶子 | anisogamete |
異系交配 | exogamy, outbreeding |
気を配る | to pay attention, to be watchful |
音楽配信サービス | music distribution service |
軍事支配 | military rule |
軍事配備 | military deployment |
指名手配者リスト | wanted list |
資産配分 | asset allocation |
所得分配 | income distribution |
植民地支配 | colonial rule |
政治的配慮 | political consideration |
独裁支配 | autocratic rule |
配備命令 | deployment order |
配分的正義 | distributive justice, justitia distributiva |
予算配分 | budgetary allocation |
配意 | regard, consideration, thoughtfulness |
軍配を返す | referee signalling the imminent start of a bout by turning his fan |
心配でならない | besides myself with worry |
配置薬 | medicine left by a salesman, and paid for when used |
心配無用 | There is nothing to fear, There is no need for anxiety, Everything is under control |
配属者 | person attached to some unit |
配属将校 | commissioned officer attached to a school |
配偶者虐待 | spousal abuse |
支配下 | under control (e.g. of territory) |
二次配布 | redistribution |
非配偶者間人工授精 | artificial insemination by donor |
配偶者間人工授精 | artificial insemination by sperm from husband |
再配達 | redelivery |
ペース配分 | pacing (e.g. in athletics, etc.), pacing oneself |
郵便配達人 | mailman, postman, mail carrier, post carrier |
塩基配列 | base sequence (e.g. of DNA) |