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買 : Buy
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Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 貝 (154) |
Usage Rating: | 520 |
Unicode: | 08cb7 |
jis208: | 39-67 |
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買 Usage examples
購買者 | buyer |
購買部 | school store, co-op |
購買組合 | cooperative society |
一役買う | to take on a role, to take part |
買い叩く 買叩く | to beat down prices, to strike a hard bargain |
買い得品 | good bargain |
買い戻し | repurchase, redemption |
株を買う | to buy stock |
込みで買う | to buy the whole lot, to buy in bulk |
付けで買う | to buy on credit |
売買契約 | contract for (of) sale |
プログラム売買 | program trading, programme trading |
委託売買 | consignment sales and purchase |
株式公開買付制度 | tender offer, take-over bid, TOB |
株式仲買人 | stockbroker |
株式買取請求権 | right of demand for buying shares |
株式買受権付社債 | bond with stock purchase warrant |
購買習慣 | buying habit |
信用買い 信用買 | margin buying, buying on credit |
敵対的企業買収 | hostile buyout |
買い換える 買い替える | to buy a replacement, to replace by buying something new |
買い付ける | to buy in, to purchase |
買い与える | to buy as a gift |
売り買い | trade, buying and selling |
買い物客 買物客 | shopper |
青田売買 | dealing in unharvested rice crop |
買収工作 | bribery scheme, acquisition maneuver |
敵対的買収 | hostile takeover |
飲む打つ買う | drinking, gambling, and buying women in prostitution |
色チ買い 色ち買い イロチ買い | buying more than one of the same item in different colors (colours) |
不興を買う | to fall into disgrace with |
初買い | going shopping on January 2nd |
まとめ買い 纏め買い | collecting together and buying, doing a big shop |
企業買収 | corporate acquisition (buyout) |
売買一任勘定 | discrectionary account (in securities) |
安物買いの銭失い | you get what you pay for, penny wise and pound foolish |