叩き売り たたき売り | sacrifice sale, bargain sale, discount sale |
立ち売り | peddler |
呼び売り | peddling |
売り切る 売切る | to sell out, to sell off |
売り叩く | to beat down prices |
売り広める | to expand a market, to find a new market |
売り急ぐ | to sell in haste |
売りさばく 売り捌く 売捌く | to sell widely, to sell on a large scale |
売り渋る | to be reluctant to sell |
売り惜しむ | to hold back on or restrict sales of, to be reluctant to sell |
売り | seller, vendor |
売り玉 | short interest, short account |
売れっ子歌手 | popular singer |
堅い商売 | sound business |
小売りに卸す | to sell wholesale to a retailer |
盛んな商売 | thriving business |
商売の株 | goodwill of a business |
名を売る | to gain a reputation, to make oneself famous |
花売り娘 | flower girl |
春を売る | to become a prostitute |
売却益 | profit on sales |
暇な商売 | dull business |
元を切って売る | to sell under prime cost, to sell at a loss |
委託販売 | consignment sale |
花売り | flower vendor |
売春宿 | brothel |
展示即売会 | exhibition and sale (of paintings), display with the exhibits on sale |
店頭販売 | over-the-counter sales, selling over the counter |
売買契約 | contract for (of) sale |
発売元 | sales agency, selling agency |
販売価格 | selling price |
販売元 | selling agency |
販売部 | sales department |
販売網 | sales network |
再販売 | resale |
大安売り | special bargain sale |
プログラム売買 | program trading, programme trading |
カタログ販売 | catalog retailing, catalogue retailing |
スタンプ販売 | stamp trading |
委託売買 | consignment sales and purchase |
卸売価格 | wholesale price |
児童売春 | child prostitution |
小売り市場 | retail market |
小売価格 | retail price |
電力小売り | power retailing |
売り上げ成長 | sales growth |
売上税 売り上げ税 | sales tax |
販売時点情報管理システム | point-of-sale system, POS |
売り買い | trade, buying and selling |
拡大販売 | sales promotion |
見切り売り | bargain sale, clearance sale, rummage sale |
売り尽くす 売り尽す | to sell out |