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佳 : Excellent
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excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 1643 |
Unicode: | 04f73 |
jis208: | 18-34 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
佳 Usage examples
佳き | good |
才子佳人 | talented man and a beautiful woman, well-matched pair, wit and beauty |
珍味佳肴 | rare delicacies, rare treat |
美酒佳肴 | fine wines and prized delicacies |
美味佳肴 | delicacies, epicurean dishes |
展望絶佳 | scenic beauty, magnificent (spectacular) view |
風味絶佳 | delicious flavor, superb taste |