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加 : Add
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add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada
くわ.える くわ.わる
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 力 (19) |
Usage Rating: | 130 |
Unicode: | 052a0 |
jis208: | 18-35 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
加 Usage examples
経営参加 | labor participation in management (labour) |
難燃加工 | fireproof |
食品加工業 | food industry |
雪加 | zitting cisticola (Cisticola juncidis), fan-tailed warbler |
圧力を加える | to apply pressure to, to press |
会議に加わる | to take part in a conference |
加鉛ガソリン | leaded gasoline, leaded petrol |
聖路加病院 | St Luke Hospital |
増加分 | increment |
手心を加える | to take into consideration |
仲間に加える | to take in, to accept |
日加 | Japan and Canada |
路加 | St Luke |
阿弗利加 亜弗利加 | Africa |
加速器 | (particle) accelerator |
金属加工 | metalworking |
参加意識 | sense of participation |
参加国 | participating nation |
条約加盟国 | signatory countries, members of a treaty |
人口増加 | (allowing for) population increase, rise in population |
増加率 | rate of increase |
追加注文 | additional order |
付加価値 | added value, value added |
補助参加人 | auxiliary intervenor (in a lawsuit) |
補助参加 | auxiliary intervention (in a lawsuit) |
再加工 | reprocessing |
エンボス加工 | embossment |
加里石鹸 | potash soap |
プレス加工 | presswork, press working, pressing, press forging |
レーザー加工 | laser processing, laser machining |
液体ジェット加工 | liquid jet processing |
加水分解酵素 | hydrolytic enzyme |
加速度原理 | acceleration principle |
加速度病 | motion sickness |
加糖練乳 | sweetened condensed milk |
加熱器 | heating apparatus, heater |
加熱炉 | heating furnace |
加法混色 | additive mixture of colors, additive mixture of colours |
角加速度 | angular acceleration |
いい加減にする 好い加減にする | to put an end to something, to get something over with, to quit something one has been engaged in too long or to an excessive degree |
移動加入者識別番号 | International Mobile Subscriber Identity, IMSI |
通常加入電話 | fixed-line phone |
付加価値通信網 | value-added network, VAN |
味加減 | taste (of prepared dish) |
付加語 | adjunct word |
参加費 | entrance fee, participation cost |
加電圧 | overpotential, over-voltage |
亜米利加山法師 | flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) |
印加 | impression, superimposition, application |
加工乳 | processed milk, manufactured milk |
かてて加えて | moreover, besides, in addition, on top of, to make matters worse |
大毘盧遮那成仏神変加持経 | Mahavairocana Sutra |
合成加速度 | resultant acceleration |
加虐性愛 | sadism |
歌加留多 | card-matching game played with these cards |