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爆 : Bomb
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
bomb, burst open, pop, split
Strokes: | 19 |
Radical: | 灬 (86) |
Usage Rating: | 735 |
Unicode: | 07206 |
jis208: | 39-90 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
爆 Usage examples
軽爆撃機 | light bomber |
炭塵爆発 | explosion of coal dust |
誘爆 | induced explosion, secondary explosion |
擬爆弾 | dummy bomb |
重爆 | heavy bomber |
北爆 | bombing North (Vietnam) |
急降下爆撃 | dive bombing |
人口爆発 | population explosion |
爆弾発言 | bombshell announcement (statement) |
誤爆 | bombing (shelling) the wrong target, (be killed by) friendly fire |
クラスター爆弾 | cluster bomb |
コバルト爆弾 | cobalt bomb |
スマート爆弾 | smart bomb |
プルトニウム爆弾 | plutonium bomb |
ボール爆弾 | ball bomb |
メガトン爆弾 | megaton bomb |
リチウム爆弾 | lithium bomb |
塩素爆鳴気 | chlorine detonating gas |
火山爆発 | volcanic explosion |
自爆攻撃 | suicide bomb attack |
手紙爆弾 | letter bomb |
破砕性爆弾 | daisy cutter bomb |
爆破予告 | bomb warning |
爆 | exclamation, burst of laughter |
爆睡 | sleeping like a log, (being) fast asleep (bombed, crashed) |
自爆霊 | ghost bound to a specific physical location (usu. where death occurred) |
爆走 | roaring noisily around |
大爆笑 | very loud laugh, explosive laughter |
爆弾宣言 | bombshell announcement (declaration) |
爆弾発表 | bombshell announcement (statement) |
爆燃 | knocking (e.g. in car engines) |
汚い爆弾 | dirty bomb |
爆発物取締罰則 | Criminal Regulations to Control Explosives |
爆発音 | sound of an explosion |
自爆テロ | (terrorist) suicide bombing |