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麦 : Barley
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Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 麥 (199) |
Usage Rating: | 1615 |
Unicode: | 09ea6 |
jis208: | 39-94 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
麦 Usage examples
生蕎麦 | 100% buckwheat noodles, buckwheat noodles made from buckwheat flour only, without the addition of wheat flour |
麦蒔き | sowing wheat or barley |
麦藁細工 | straw work |
麦藁蜻蛉 | dragonfly |
ライ麦 | rye (Secale cereale) |
デュラム小麦 | durum wheat (Triticum durum, Triticum turgidum durum) |
パン小麦 | wheat (for breadmaking) |
麦球 | wheat bulb, wheat grain light bulb |
麦類 | wheat variety |
支那蕎麦 | Chinese soba, ramen |
中華蕎麦 | Chinese noodles (esp. ramen) |
ざる蕎麦 笊蕎麦 ザル蕎麦 | zaru soba (soba served on a bamboo draining basket with dipping sauce) |
椀子蕎麦 | soba noodles in broth served continuously so that the guest or customer never has an empty bowl |
打っ掛け蕎麦 | soba with broth poured over it |
蕎麦湯 | soba water, water left in the pot after one has boiled soba |
もり蕎麦 盛り蕎麦 盛蕎麦 | chilled soba served on a dish (often on a wicker basket or in a shallow steaming basket) with dipping sauce |