熱発 | fever |
炭塵爆発 | explosion of coal dust |
談論風発 | spirited discussion |
早発性痴呆症 | schizophrenia |
嘘発見器 | lie detector |
撃発 | percussion (fuse) |
一発放つ | to break wind, to let off a fart, to have a shot |
風邪による発熱 風邪に因る発熱 | fever caused by a cold |
新発明 | new invention (discovery) |
発達を促す | to accelerate development |
英国発音 | British pronunciation |
宇宙開発計画 | space development project (program, programme) |
開発計画 | development project (program, programme, plan) |
魚雷発射管 | torpedo tube |
緊急発進 | scrambling, scramble |
研究発表会 | meeting for reading research papers |
個体発生 | ontogeny, ontogenesis |
始発駅 | starting station |
出発時間 | starting (departure) time |
心臓発作 | to have a heart attack |
新聞発表 | (issuing) a press release |
人口爆発 | population explosion |
水力発電 | hydroelectric power generation, water-power generation |
早期発見 | early detection (of an illness) |
爆弾発言 | bombshell announcement (statement) |
発案者 | original proposer, originator, proponent, initiator |
発色現像 | (color, colour) development, coupling |
発信局 | sending office |
発声器官 | vocal organs |
発達段階 | developmental stage |
発着所 | landing place (e.g. for steamers), station (e.g. bus), terminal |
発展的解消 | dissolution of several sections into a new organization (organisation) |
発売元 | sales agency, selling agency |
発泡剤 | foaming agent |
発明者 | inventor |
大発会 | first session (trading day) of the year |
大発生 | explosive increase (in number of pests), (severe) outbreak or upsurge of pests |
発問 | asking or putting a question, questioning |
アセトンブタノール発酵 | acetone-butanol fermentation |
アミノ酸発酵 | amino-acid fermentation |
アルコール発酵 | alcohol fermentation |
メタン発酵 | methane fermentation |
モーゼル連発銃 | Mauser rifle |
宇宙発生論 | cosmogony |
永久磁石発電機 | permanent magnet generator |
化学発光 | chemoluminescence |
火山爆発 | volcanic explosion |
海洋温度差発電 | ocean thermal energy conversion |
開発輸入 | develop-and-import formula |
発効日 | effective date |
自動発効 | self-executing (computer file) |
ヨーロッパ復興開発銀行 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD |
株価の反発 | rebound (of stock prices) |
株式発行 | share issuance |
国債発行 | government bond issuance |
国連開発計画 | United Nations Development Program, UNDP |
債券発行 | debt issuance, bond issuance |
四半期収益発表 | quarterly earnings announcement |
睡眠発作 | narcolepsy |