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伐 : Fell
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fell, strike, attack, punish
バツ ハツ カ ボチ
き.る そむ.く う.つ
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 1816 |
Unicode: | 04f10 |
jis208: | 40-18 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
伐 Usage examples
木を伐る | to fell a tree |
傘伐林 | shelterwood forest |
間伐材 | timber from forest thinning, thinned wood |
三韓征伐 | legendary military invasion of Korea in the 3rd century |
朝鮮征伐 | Imjin War (1592 - 1597) |
伐る | to cut down (e.g. trees) |