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閥 : Clique
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clique, lineage, pedigree, faction, clan
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 門 (169) |
Usage Rating: | 1072 |
Unicode: | 095a5 |
jis208: | 40-22 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
閥 Usage examples
薩摩閥 | Satsuma clan |
派閥争い | factional dispute, factional strife, rivalry between factions |
党内派閥 | intra-party faction |
派閥主義 | factionalism |
派閥政治 | faction-based politics |
学閥意識 | the old school tie |
派閥均衡 | balance of power among factions (within a political party), factional balance |
派閥抗争 | factional infighting (conflict), antagonism between factions |
派閥人事 | faction-based personnel appointment |
派閥力学 | factional dynamics, power relationships among factions, factional power politics |
無派閥 | belonging to no (political) faction |