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嫁 : Marry into
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marry into, bride
よめ とつ.ぐ い.く ゆ.く
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 女 (38) |
Usage Rating: | 1581 |
Unicode: | 05ac1 |
jis208: | 18-39 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
嫁 Usage examples
狐の嫁入り きつねの嫁入り | rain shower while the sun shines, sun shower |
嫁ぎ先 | family a woman has married into |
花嫁花婿 | bride and groom |
嫁いびり | bullying a young wife |
嫁入る | to wed, to marry a man |
花嫁衣裳 花嫁衣装 | bridal costume, wedding dress |
嫁はん | wife |
嫁さん | wife |
嫁入道中 嫁入り道中 | nuptial procession |
花嫁学校 | school for training bachelor girls in homemaking arts, (a type of) finishing school |
花嫁修業 | training for homemaking, training in homemaking arts |
花嫁姿 | image of a bride dressed in her wedding gown (wedding kimono, etc.) |
嫁する | to shift blame to someone else, to be married |
嫁き遅れ | woman who missed the chance of getting married (because one is too old) |
花嫁介添人 | bridesmaid |