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犯 : Crime
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Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 874 |
Unicode: | 072af |
jis208: | 40-40 |
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犯 Usage examples
性犯罪 | sex crime |
過失犯 | crime of negligence, careless offense, careless offence |
軽い犯罪 | minor offense, minor offence |
禁を犯す | to break the prohibition (law), to violate the ban |
殺人犯 | murderer |
真犯人 | the real criminal, true culprit |
罪を犯す | to commit a crime, to commit a sin |
犯人を匿う | to shelter a criminal |
犯人を捕まえる | to arrest the culprit |
不犯 | strict observance of the Buddhist commandment that all priests should be celibate |
法を犯す | to violate the law |
完全犯罪 | perfect crime |
軽犯罪法 | Minor Offenses Act |
犯行現場 | scene of the crime (offense, offence) |
コンピューター犯罪 | computer crime |
確信犯 | premeditated crime, act carried out while knowing that it should not be |
サイバー犯罪 | cybercrime |
街頭犯罪 | street crime |
企業犯罪 | corporate crime |
金融犯罪 | financial crime |
計画的犯行 | premeditated crime, deliberate crime |
計画犯罪 | planned crime |
国際犯罪 | international crime |
重大犯罪 | serious crime, felony |
人道犯罪 | crime against humanity |
性犯罪者 | sex offender |
青少年犯罪 | youth crime |
組織犯罪 | organized crime, organised crime |
犯罪記録 | criminal record |
犯罪被害者 | victim of crime |
犯罪率 | crime rate |
領空侵犯 | airspace incursion, airspace violation |
連続殺人犯 | serial killer |
路上犯罪 | street crime |
初犯者 | first offender |
一生不犯 | (strict) observance of the Buddhist precept of lifelong celibacy |
共犯関係 | complicity (in a crime), collusion |
大権干犯 | infringing on the power of the sovereign |
内部犯行 | inside job |
風俗犯罪 | offense against public morals, morals offense, vice crime |
憎悪犯罪 | hate crime |
犯罪歴 | criminal record |
犯歴 | criminal record |
犯 | perpetrators of (some) crime, (some type of) crime |
犯行時刻 | time of the crime |
刑法犯 | criminal offense |
特別法犯 | violations of special law |
過ちを犯す | to make an error |
実行犯 | perpetrator |
重犯罪 | felony, serious crime |
故意犯 | crimes of intent |
乗っ取り犯人 | hijacker |
犯罪捜査 | criminal investigation |
脱獄犯 | escaped prisoner, fugitive |
強盗犯 | robber |
犯人像 | criminal profile |
防犯カメラ | security camera |