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繁 : Luxuriant
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luxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble
しげ.る しげ.く
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 糸 (120) |
Usage Rating: | 1198 |
Unicode: | 07e41 |
jis208: | 40-43 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
繁 Usage examples
繁閑 | press and slack of business |
繁殖地 | breeding grounds |
繁殖力 | reproductive (procreative) power, fertility |
足繁く | frequently |
足繁く通う | to visit frequently, to haunt |
商売繁盛 商売繁昌 商賣繁盛 商賣繁昌 | thriving (prosperous) business, rush of business |
御用繁多 | being busy with many things, extreme busyness due to pressure of business (often used humorously) |
繁殖牝馬 | broodmare (horse breeding) |