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被 : Incur
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incur, cover, veil, brood over, shelter, wear, put on, be exposed (film), receiving
こうむ.る おお.う かぶ.る かぶ.せる
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 衤 (145) |
Usage Rating: | 431 |
Unicode: | 088ab |
jis208: | 40-79 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
被 Usage examples
薦被り | cask wrapped in straw matting, beggar |
恩恵を被る | to share in the benefit |
原告対被告 | plaintiff versus defendant |
土を被せる | to cover with earth |
被害届 被害届け | report of damage, damage report |
雪で被われる | to be covered with snow |
被害額 | amount (extent) of damage, damage |
振り被る | to hold aloft (e.g. a sword), to brandish |
被保佐人 | person subject to a conservatorship or curatorship |
被補助人 | person subject to a limited guardianship |
被相続人 | ancestor, inheritee |
被申立人 | respondent |
被造物 | something created (e.g. by the gods), creature |
戦争被害 | war damage |
犯罪被害者 | victim of crime |
放射線被曝 | radiation exposure |
被虜人 | slave |
砂被り | seats closest to the ring, ringside seat |
被す | to cover (with something) |
覆い被さる | to fall upon someone (responsibility, burden, pressure, etc.), to cover |
覆い被せる | to cover up with something |
被修飾語 | modified word |
被修飾名詞 | modified noun |
被子植物門 | Magnoliophyta, Angiospermae, phylum of flowering plants |
被写界深度 | depth of field (photography) |
被さる | to take on a responsibility, to become a burden |
被葬者 | the entombed, the person buried (usually in burial mounds, etc.) |
被差別部落 | burakumin area |
皮被り | phimosis, tightening of the foreskin |
仮面を被る | to wear a mask |
被せ | not folding on a stitch but placing the fold (2mm) deeper past the stitch, folding the excess back to cover the stitch |
被せ分 | excess of fold beyond the stitching seam |
被く | to be injured, to wear such cloth on the left shoulder |
被ける | to use something as an excuse or a pretext |
被害者意識 | sense of being victimized |
被リンク | link to (a site, as used in page ranking that site) |
被 | indicates the target of an activity, -ee (e.g. employee, examinee, trustee) |