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費 : Expense
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expense, cost, spend, consume, waste
つい.やす つい.える
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 貝 (154) |
Usage Rating: | 321 |
Unicode: | 08cbb |
jis208: | 40-81 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
費 Usage examples
生計費 | living expenses |
生計費指数 | cost of living index |
生産費 | production costs |
経営費 | operating costs |
消費者側 | consumers side |
費え | wasteful expenses |
費用を持つ | to bear the expenses |
医療費 | medical expenses |
家計費 | household expenses |
経費節約 | curtailment of expenditure, financial retrenchment |
結婚費用 | wedding expenses |
建設費 | construction (building) costs |
研究費 | research funds (expenses) |
材料費 | cost of materials |
住宅費 | housing costs (expenses) |
出張旅費 | travel expenses, travel(ing) allowance |
図書費 | book budget |
製作費 | manufacturing cost, production cost |
設備費 | cost of equipment |
組合費 | union dues |
燃料費 | fuel expenses, cost of fuel |
必要経費 | necessary expenses |
防衛費 | defense costs, defence costs, ERA |
療養費 | medical expenses |
諸経費 | sundry expenses |
一次消費者 | primary consumer |
一般消費税 | general consumption tax |
営業経費 | operation cost |
過剰消費 | over-consumption |
間接費 | overhead |
公共事業費 | public-works spending |
消費パターン | consumption pattern |
消費者関係 | consumer relations |
消費者金融 | consumer credit (finance, loan) |
消費者市場 | consumer market |
消費者支出 | consumer spending |
消費者受容 | consumer acceptance |
消費者需要 | consumer demand |
消費者心情 | consumer sentiment |
消費者物価指数 | consumer price index, CPI |
消費者文化 | consumer culture |
消費者保護 | consumer protection |
消費者保護法 | consumer-protection law |
直接労務費 | direct labor costs, direct labour costs |
燃費基準 | fuel economy standards |
福利厚生費 | welfare expense |
弁護士費用 | legal fee |
国費留学生 | government-financed or sponsored foreign student |
協会旅費 | travel allowance paid to salaried wrestlers for tournaments held outside Tokyo |
稽古場経費 | allowance paid by the Sumo Association to a coach for each wrestler in his stable |
出張費 | travel expenses |
費用一切 | all expenses |
参加費 | entrance fee, participation cost |
光熱水費 | light, heating and water utility costs |
低燃費 | low fuel consumption |
型費 | tooling cost, die cost |
金型費 | (metal) tooling cost, tool charges |