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尾 : Tail
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tail, end, counter for fish, lower slope of mountain
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 尸 (44) |
Usage Rating: | 875 |
Unicode: | 05c3e |
jis208: | 40-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
尾 Usage examples
虎の尾を踏む | to take great risks |
有尾類 | urodeles (tailed amphibians) |
後を尾ける | to leave tracks, to follow |
交尾む 孳尾む | to copulate (animals), to mate |
水平尾翼 | tailplane, horizontal stabilizer, horizontal stabiliser |
末尾再帰 | tail recursion |
鳶尾 | wall iris, roof iris, Iris tectorum, fleur-de-lis |
首尾貫徹 | (logical) consistency, coherence, unchanging from beginning to end |
接尾詞 | suffix |
鹿尾菜 | hijiki (dark edible seaweed usu. sold in dried black strips; Hizikia fusiformis) |
尾羽 尾羽根 | tail feathers |
尾羽打ち枯らす 尾羽うち枯らす | to be in a miserable state, to be down and out |
韻尾 | yunwei (secondary vowel or consonant following the primary vowel of a Chinese character) |
尾ける | to hunt a spy, to put a tail on someone, to stalk |
断尾 | cropping a tail |
尾ひれをつける 尾鰭を付ける 尾ひれを付ける | to exaggerate, to embellish (a story, rumor, etc.) |
尾高型 | pattern of Japanese accent with the last mora high and the succeeding particle low |
尻尾を出す | to give oneself away |
尻尾を巻く | (a person) to admit defeat, to turn tail (and run) |
尾白鷲 | white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) |
最後尾 | end of a line (queue) |
瑠璃虎の尾 兎児尾苗 | beach speedwell, Veronica Longifolia |