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必 : Invariably
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invariably, certain, inevitable
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 265 |
Unicode: | 05fc5 |
jis208: | 41-12 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
必 Usage examples
必死になって | desperately |
必読書 | must-read (book), required reading |
必要と認める | to judge as necessary |
必須格 | indispensable case |
生活必需品 | daily (living) necessities, necessities, essentials for life |
必要経費 | necessary expenses |
未必の故意 | conscious neglect, willful negligence, wilful negligence |
先手必勝 | victory goes to the one who makes the first move, being quick to take action leads to victory, the early bird gets the worm |
一発必中 | success on the first try (attempt) |
驕兵必敗 | Defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army, Being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat (failure), Pride comes before a fall |
後手必敗 | Defeat is inevitable for one who goes second, Being slow to take action inevitably leads to defeat |
必勝不敗 | certain victory, sure victory, invincibility |
必要次第 | as necessary (needed), if necessary (needed) |
必殺技 | special or lethal move, usu. one unique to a certain fighter or fighting style, surefire assassination method |
必敗 | certain defeat |
必要とする | to need, to call for, to require |
必達 | certain fulfilment |