白百合 | white lily |
国家百年の計 | permanent national policy |
数百万に及ぶ | to reach (range) into the millions |
千九百年代 | the 1900s |
百千鳥 | Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone), Japanese nightingale |
百夜 | many nights, hundred nights |
山百合 | golden-rayed lily (Lilium auratum) |
一罰百戒 | punishing a crime to make an example for others |
議論百出 | diverse arguments arising in great numbers |
百人百様 | so many men, so many ways, it takes all sorts to make a world |
百舌勘定 | splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount, wheedling the others into paying the whole bill |
八百 | multitude, large number |
百合鴎 | black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus), hooded gull |
百尺竿頭 | the highest level one can attain |
諸子百家 | Hundred Schools of Thought |
読書百遍 | Repeated reading (makes the meaning clear), Reading something again and again (will lead one to realize its meaning) |
八百八町 | the whole enormous extent of Edo, from one side of Edo to the other |
百折不撓 | indefatigability, indomitableness |
百点満点 | (getting a) perfect score, scoring 100, grading students on a scale of one hundred, doing perfectly (in a test), leaving nothing to be desired |
百日天下 | The Hundred Days (of Napoleon I), very short-lived regime |
百年河清 | waiting for one hundred years for the waters of the Yellow River to clear, waiting in vain for an unlikely event, waiting for pigs to fly, When the sky falls, we shall catch larks |
百慮一得 | Even a fool may sometimes give good counsel |
武芸百般 | every martial art, all the martial arts |
文武百官 | all the officials, both military and civil |
勇気百倍 | inspire someone with fresh courage, with redoubled courage |
小倉百人一首 | Ogura Anthology of One Hundred Tanka by One Hundred Poets |
百千 | a large number, all sorts, hundreds and thousands |
百条委員会 | investigation committee (of prefectural assembly, established under Section 100 of the Act) |
八百八橋 | the large number of bridges over canals and rivers in Naniwa (present-day Osaka) |
八百八寺 | the large number of temples in Kyoto |
お百度 御百度 | hundred times worship (e.g. walking back and forth a hundred times before a shrine offering a prayer each time) |
百名山 | one hundred top mountains of Japan |
お百姓さん | farmer |
お百度を踏む 御百度を踏む | to visit repeatedly (to request) |
百害あって一利なし 百害あって一利無し | all pain, no gain, doing no good and a lot of harm, having no redeeming features, being a complete disadvantage, a hundred harms and not a single gain |
百均 | hundred-yen store, 100 yen shop |
悪妻は百年の不作 | a bad wife spells the ruin of her husband, a bad wife means a hundred years of bad luck to her husband |
百も承知 | knowing only too well, being fully aware of |
百聞は一見にしかず 百聞は一見に如かず | seeing is believing, one eye-witness is better than many hearsays, a picture is worth a thousand words |
六百 | six hundred |
姫百合 | star lily (Lilium Concolor) |
百マス計算 百ます計算 | method of learning through repetition conceived by Kageyama Hideo, which involves multiplying and other calculations carried out on a 10-by-10 grid of numbers |