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評 : Evaluate
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evaluate, criticism, comment
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 言 (149) |
Usage Rating: | 454 |
Unicode: | 08a55 |
jis208: | 41-30 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
評 Usage examples
短評 | brief comment or criticism |
可の評点 | grade C, Passable |
厳しい批評 | severe criticism |
評価の尺度 | evaluation measure |
映画評論家 | film critic, movie critic |
音楽評論家 | music critic |
政治評論家 | political commentator (journalist, columnist) |
評価基準 | valuation basis, appraisal standard |
革命評議会 | revolutionary council |
攻撃成果評価 | damage assessment |
評価引当金 | valuation allowance |
時価評価 | mark-to-market valuation, fair market valuation, fair valuation, market valuation |
識者評論 | a word from the wise |
好評嘖々 好評嘖嘖 | enjoying great popularity, receiving widespread high praise, being a great success with the public |
群盲象を評す | the mediocre cannot understand the great |
総合評価 | comprehensive evaluation, over-all judgment, general comment |
評判通り 評判どおり | the same as something was reputed to be |