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病 : Ill
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ill, sick
や.む -や.み やまい
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 疒 (104) |
Usage Rating: | 384 |
Unicode: | 075c5 |
jis208: | 41-34 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
病 Usage examples
熱射病 | heatstroke |
熱帯病 | tropical disease |
職業病 | occupational disease |
流行病 はやり病 | epidemic |
炭疽病 | anthrax |
立ち枯れ病 | damping-off |
老人病 | geriatric diseases |
老人病院 | geriatric hospital |
老病 | infirmities of old age |
オウム病 鸚鵡病 | psittacosis, parrot fever |
病み耄ける | to become wasted by illness |
紫斑病 | purpura |
病に冒される | to be attacked by a disease |
萎黄病 | chlorosis, greensickness |
胃腸病学 | gastroenterology |
県立病院 | prefectural hospital |
聖路加病院 | St Luke Hospital |
腸の病気 | bowel disease, intestinal disorder, bowel ailment |
肺病病み | patient with pulmonary tuberculosis |
肺を病む | to suffer from tuberculosis |
病院を訪れる | to visit (someone) in hospital |
病気がち 病気勝ち | proneness to being ill, proneness to disease |
病気にかかる 病気に罹る | to contract a disease |
病気に託けて | under the pretext of ill health |
病気になる 病気に為る | to fall ill, to be taken ill |
不治の病 | incurable illness |
胸を病む | to become consumptive |
病が篤い | seriously ill |
病膏肓に入る | to become a slave of a habit, to catch an incurable illness |
病垂れ | illness radical |
病を癒す | to cure an illness, to cure a disease |
老と病 | old age and sickness |
大病人 | patient in a serious condition, serious case |
慢性病 | chronic disease |
ウイルス病 バイラス病 | virus disease, viral disease |
アナプラズマ病 | anaplasmosis |
オープンシステム病院 | open system hospital |
クレチン病 | cretinism |
タバコモザイク病 タバコ・モザイク病 | tobacco mosaic |