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婦 : Lady
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Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 女 (38) |
Usage Rating: | 671 |
Unicode: | 05a66 |
jis208: | 41-56 |
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婦 Usage examples
経産婦 | woman who has given birth |
職業婦人 | career woman |
夫婦茶碗 | his and her teacups |
准看護婦 | practical nurse |
賎業婦 賤業婦 | prostitute |
夫婦の縁を結ぶ | to get married |
夫婦の和 | conjugal harmony, concord between husband and wife |
賄い婦 | female cook |
若夫婦 | young couple |
裸婦画 | nude (painting) |
夫婦関係 | marital relationship |
夫婦別姓 | (system of) husband and wife retaining separate family names |
おしどり夫婦 鴛鴦夫婦 | loving couple, couple of lovebirds, happily married couple (who are always together) |
婦女暴行 | rape |
仮面夫婦 | couple who only go through the motions of being husband and wife |
夫婦養子 | adopting a married couple, married couple adopted into the family |
女寡婦 | widow |
夫婦円満 | matrimonial happiness, happy marriage |
姦夫姦婦 | adulterer and adulteress, adulterous couple |
夫婦気取り 夫婦きどり | behaving (posing) as if they were a married couple |
夫婦間 | within a marriage, between husband and wife, conjugal |