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布 : Linen
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linen, cloth, spread, distribute
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 巾 (50) |
Usage Rating: | 877 |
Unicode: | 05e03 |
jis208: | 41-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
布 Usage examples
流布本 | popular edition |
腰布団 | cushion worn round the waist for warmth |
布団皮 | quilting, ticking |
皮財布 | leather wallet |
座布団を当てる | to sit on a cushion |
織布 | woven fabric |
共布 | same cloth, spare cloth (e.g. for patching) |
布団を敷く | to lay out a futon, to make a bed |
粒度分布 | particle size distribution |
反転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
逆転分布係数 | population inversion factor |
上布 | high-quality plain-woven hemp cloth |
羽毛布団 | down(-filled) quilt (futon) |
度数分布 | frequency distribution |
分布図 | distribution map, distribution diagram |
阿列布油 | olive oil |
夏布団 | summer bedclothes |
確率分布 | probability distribution |
乾布 | dry towel |
布線 | wiring |
頒布権 | (movie) distribution rights |
仮想財布 | virtual wallet |
電子財布 | e-wallet, electronic wallet |
花布 | flower-patterned material used to bind the ends of the spine in books |
散布図 | scatter diagram, scatterplot, scatter plot, scattergraph, scattergram |
布片 | piece of cloth |
二次配布 | redistribution |
布幅 | cloth width |
布幅いっぱい | cloth width excess |
昆布巻き 昆布巻 | type of food (sliced dried herring or other fish wrapped in konbu seaweed and boiled) |
不織布 | non-woven (fabric) (e.g. felts and such) |
布団干し | drying a futon (by hanging it outside in the sun) |
布製 | made of cloth |
民族分布 | ethnic distribution, tribal distribution |