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腐 : Rot
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rot, decay, sour
くさ.る -くさ.る くさ.れる くさ.れ くさ.らす くさ.す
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 肉 (130) |
Usage Rating: | 1225 |
Unicode: | 08150 |
jis208: | 41-69 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
腐 Usage examples
生き腐れ | (fish) appearing fresh but actually gone bad |
立ち腐れ | dilapidation |
宝の持ち腐れ | pearls thrown before swine, unused possession, useless possession, waste of talent |
威張り腐る | to be puffed up |
気を腐らす | to have the blues, to be depressed |
腐れ金 | paltry sum (of money) |
豆腐一丁 | one cake of bean curd |
腸の腐った | depraved, corrupt, vicious |
腐刑 | castration |
不貞腐れ | sulkiness |
豆腐屋 | tofu seller (maker) |
腐臭 | smell of something rotten, rotten smell |
水腐れ | water rot (decay of crops due to excess water) |
揚げ豆腐 | sliced deep-fried tofu |
堕落腐敗 | debasement, corruption, degradation |
腐敗堕落 | debasement, corruption, degradation |
平凡陳腐 | commonplace and stale, humdrum and hackneyed |
豆腐の角に頭をぶつけて死ね | take a long walk off a short pier, go stick your head in a pig, bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die |
腐敗分子 | corrupt elements |
腐植 | humus |
杏仁豆腐 | (Chinese-style) almond jelly, dessert of powdered and jellied apricot kernels with fruit |
腐女子 | woman who likes comics depicting male homosexual love |
貴腐人 | adult woman who likes comics about male homosexual love |
貴腐 | noble rot, Botrytis cinerea infection, esp. of grapes |
貴腐ワイン | wine made with grapes affected by noble rot |
腐っても鯛 | something that is not what it once was but it is still high class, quality is quality, an old eagle is better than a young crow |