負けず劣らず | equally (talented, etc.), evenly, neck and neck, nip and tuck |
打ち負かす 打負かす | to defeat |
気負い立つ | to rouse oneself, to psyche oneself up |
傷を負う | to be injured, to sustain a wound |
負極 | negative pole, anode, south magnetic pole |
負の電荷 | negative charge |
誘惑に負ける | to yield (succumb) to temptation |
汚染者負担原則 | Polluter Pays Principle, PPP |
負わせる | to charge someone with a duty, to inflict injury on someone |
債務負担 | debt load |
負債総額 | aggregate amount of indebtedness |
負債比率 | debt ratio |
負の数 | negative number, negative value |
負論理 | negative logic (electronics) |
勝負審判 | ringside judge |
勝負審判交替 | change of judges |
勝負俵 | bales forming the edge of the ring |
負け得 | loss of a low-ranked wrestler in the extra eighth bout in the tournament |
一番勝負 | contest decided by a single round (bout), contest decided by a single roll of dice, one-shot game (contest), make-or-break game |
一回勝負 | contest decided by a single round (bout), contest decided by a single roll of dice, one-shot game (contest), make-or-break game |
一発勝負 | contest decided by a single round (bout), contest decided by a single roll of dice, one-shot game (contest), make-or-break game |
各自負担 | joint and several liability, each individual being responsible for the payment of his share of the purchase price, expense, etc. |
三番勝負 | three-game match, three-bout contest, a rubber (in a card game) |
三本勝負 | a set of three bouts, three-game match, three-bout contest |
体力勝負 | trial of strength |
当方負担 | (at) our expense, (on) our risk |
負傷兵 | injured soldier |
負電気 | negative electricity, negative (static) charge, negative electric charge |
負電荷 | negative electric charge, minus charge |
負けじ | indomitably, undauntedly |
手に負えない | spoiled, unmanageable, uncontrollable, incorrigible, obstreperous |
負うた子に教えられて浅瀬を渡る | A fool may give a wise man counsel |
鴨がねぎを背負って来る 鴨が葱を背負って来る 鴨がねぎを背負ってくる | along comes a sucker just begging to be parted from his money, a duck comes carrying a Welsh onion on its back |
負極性 | negative polarity |
勝負下着 | "lucky" underwear (esp. panties), set aside for special dates |
勝負パンツ | "lucky" underwear (esp. panties), set aside for special dates |
割り勘負け 割勘負け | "loser" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the least) |
ボロ負け | decisive defeat, lose big |
負担感 | (sense of) burden |
一本背負い | one-armed shoulder throw (judo or sumo) |