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幅 : Hanging scroll
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 巾 (50) |
Usage Rating: | 641 |
Unicode: | 05e45 |
jis208: | 41-93 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
幅 Usage examples
震幅 | seismic amplitude |
立ち幅跳び | standing long jump |
パルス幅変調 | pulse width modulation |
歩幅 | step, pace |
プッシュプル増幅器 | push-pull amplifier |
幅が出る | to become wider |
利益幅 | profit margin |
等幅 | fixed-width (e.g. font) |
等幅フォント | fixed-width font, typewriter font |
道幅 | width of a road |
パルス幅 | pulse width, pulsewidth |
布幅 | cloth width |
布幅いっぱい | cloth width excess |
半幅 | half-width cloth (approx. 18 cm) |