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覆 : Capsize
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capsize, cover, shade, mantle, be ruined
おお.う くつがえ.す くつがえ.る
Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 襾 (146) |
Usage Rating: | 1378 |
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覆 Usage examples
覆い隠す 覆いかくす | to mask, to cover |
棺を覆う | to cover a coffin, to die |
霧に覆われる | to be enveloped in mist |
空を覆う | to cover up the sky (e.g. smoke) |
判決を覆す | to overrule a decision |
覆われ | cover (e.g. of snow, trees, etc.) |
覆い被さる 覆いかぶさる | to fall upon someone (responsibility, burden, pressure, etc.), to cover |
覆い被せる 覆いかぶせる | to cover up with something |
翻雲覆雨 | fickle friendship |
覆鉢 | fukubachi (inverted bowl-shaped part of a pagoda finial) |
覆面パトカー | unmarked police car |