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物 : Thing
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Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 牜 (93) |
Usage Rating: | 215 |
Unicode: | 07269 |
jis208: | 42-10 |
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物 Usage examples
生物界 | life |
生物濃縮 | biological concentration |
生臭物 | meat and fish (forbidden to monks) |
生産物 | products |
織物商 | draper |
末代物 | durable article |
嫌気生物 | anaerobe |
振り分け荷物 | pair of bundles slung over a shoulder |
流動物 | fluid |
硫化物 | sulfide |
捜し物 探し物 | object being sought |
好下物 | favorite snack to have with drinks, favourite snack to have with drinks |
好気性生物 | aerobe |
要注意人物 | person requiring special attention, person under surveillance |
腰の物 | sword worn at the waist |
炭素化合物 | carbon compounds |
前世紀の遺物 | extremely outmoded |
立て物 | leading figure, leader |
林産物 | forest products |
葉物 | foliage plants |
食肉植物 | carnivorous plants |
食虫植物 | insectivorous plants, carnivorous plants |
食物連鎖 | food chain |
老廃物 | waste products |
軟体動物 | mollusc, mollusk |
変温動物 | poikilotherm |
礼物 | gift |
短日植物 | short-day plants |
染め物 染物 | dyed goods, goods to be dyed |
染め物屋 染物屋 | dyer, dye house |
風物詩 風物誌 | poem about natural scenery, poem about a particular season |
呼び物 | special attraction |
物言う | to talk, to carry meaning |
捧げ物 奉げ物 | offering, sacrifice |
白い物 | something white, snow, gray hair, grey hair |
物怪の幸い | windfall, piece of good luck |
物わかりの良い 物分かりの良い 物わかりのよい 物解りの良い 物判りの良い | sensible, understanding |
亜炭化物 | subcarbide |
謡物 謡い物 歌い物 | utai (noh chant) piece for recitation |
格物致知 | gaining a perfect knowledge of natural laws |
貨物便 | freight |
柄物 | patterned cloth |
近海物 | inshore catch, shorefish |
果物籠 | fruit basket |
原子物理学の父 | father of atomic physics |
小荷物扱い | parcel consignment |
最たる物 | the most extreme |
品物を納める | to deliver goods |
品物を並べる | to arrange goods |