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閉 : Closed
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closed, shut
と.じる と.ざす し.める し.まる た.てる
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 門 (169) |
Usage Rating: | 951 |
Unicode: | 09589 |
jis208: | 42-36 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
閉 Usage examples
悲しみに閉ざされる | to be buried in grief |
殻を閉ざす | to close up like an oyster |
閉まり | firmness, tightness, discipline, control |
蓋を閉める ふたを閉める | to shut the lid |
閉幕となる | to come to a close (end) |
閉路 | closed circuit |
幕を閉じる | to come to an end, to close the curtain |
門戸を閉ざす | to exclude, to close the door to |
学級閉鎖 | temporary closing of classes |
閉会式 | closing ceremony |
密閉容器 | airtight container |
閉園 | closing, either for the day or permanently (e.g. theme park, botanical garden, etc.) |
閉口頓首 | being at a complete loss as to what to do, being at a loss for an answer |
羞月閉花 | the charms of a uniquely beautiful woman, (so beautiful that) the moon is abashed and flowers wilt |
蟄居閉門 | house arrest, being placed in confinement at home |
閉月羞花 | charms of a uniquely beautiful woman, great beauty, (so beautiful that) the moon hides and flowers are abashed |
閉門蟄居 | house arrest, being placed in confinement at home |
閉局 | closing of post-office or telephone exchange |
閉架 | closed-stacks (e.g. in a library), closed shelf system |
割れ鍋に閉じ蓋 | there is a suitable spouse for everyone, every Jack has his Jill, a mended lid for a cracked pot |
自閉症児 | autistic child |
括弧閉じ | close bracket |
開け閉め | opening and shutting |
閉鎖的 | insular, closed, unsociable, exclusive |
閉塞性動脈硬化症 | arteriosclerosis obliterans |
慢性閉塞性肺疾患 | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD |
閉店時間 | closing hours (of a store, restaurant, etc.) |