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弁 : Valve
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valve, petal, braid, speech, dialect, discrimination, dispose of, distinguish, conical cap
かんむり わきま.える わ.ける はなびら あらそ.う
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 廾 (55) |
Usage Rating: | 619 |
Unicode: | 05f01 |
jis208: | 42-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
弁 Usage examples
陳弁 | defense (of oneself), defence (of oneself), explanation |
腰弁 | low-paid office worker |
腰弁当 | low-paid office worker |
僧帽弁 | mitral valve (of heart), bicuspid valve |
通弁 | interpreter (in the Edo period) |
緩衝弁 | cushion valve |
宏弁 | fluency, eloquence |
排気弁 | exhaust valve |
弁の虫 | valve core |
弁別素性 | distinctive feature |
顧問弁護士 | legal adviser, legal advisor, corporation lawyer, family lawyer |
自己弁護 | self-justification, excuse |
弁当代 | lunch money |
合弁事業 | joint venture |
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR |
最終弁論 | closing argument, closing statement |
社内弁護士 | in-house lawyer |
反対弁論 | opposing speech, rebuttal (in debate) |
弁護士費用 | legal fee |
有罪答弁 | guilty plea |
答弁書 | written response, reply |
阿諛弁佞 | flattery, adulation, sycophancy |
弁明口調 | apologetic (defensive) tone of voice |
旗弁 | standard (type of flower), banner, vexillum |
竜骨弁 | keel petal (type of flower) |
弁明書 | letter of explanation, written explanation |
弁が立つ | to be eloquent, to have a way with words |
電磁弁 | electromagnetic valve, solenoid valve |
詭弁を弄する | to use sophistry |
日の丸弁当 | hinomaru bento (contains plain white rice with a single red umeboshi on top) |
人工弁 | artificial valve |
松花堂弁当 | square or rectangular bento box containing cross-shaped separators |
国会答弁 | answers in the Diet |