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放 : Set free
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set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, banish, liberate
はな.す -っぱな.し はな.つ はな.れる こ.く ほう.る
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 攴 (66) |
Usage Rating: | 288 |
Unicode: | 0653e |
jis208: | 42-92 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
放 Usage examples
好き放題 | self-indulgence, doing as one pleases |
立体放送 | stereophonic broadcast |
食い放題 | all-you-can-eat |
突っ放す | to thrust or cast away, to look upon with detachment |
振り放す 振放す | to break free of |
開けっ放す | to leave open |
一発放つ | to break wind, to let off a fart, to have a shot |
虎を野に放つ | to let loose a tiger in the field, to let loose something dangerous |
放火魔 | pyromaniac |
放光 | emission of light |
芳香を放つ | to give out (off) fragrance |
放生会 | ceremony of releasing captive animals |
放送網 | broadcasting network |
放っておく 放って置く | to leave alone, to leave as is, to ignore, to neglect |
放鷹 | falconry, hawking |
放ったらかす | to let aside, to neglect |
妨害放送 | radio jamming |
民放 | commercial broadcast |
解放感 開放感 | sense of liberation, feeling of freedom |
場内放送 | (announcement over) the public address system (e.g. in stadium) |
深夜放送 | late-night (all-night) broadcasting |
短波放送 | short-wave broadcasting |
奴隷解放 | emancipation of slaves |
農奴解放 | emancipation of serfs |
放映権 | televising right |
放射性降下物 | radioactive fallout |
放水車 | water truck |
放送禁止用語 | banned word, word which is not allowed to be used on the air (on the TV or radio) |
放送時間 | time (for a program, programme), broadcasting hours, air time |
放送番組 | broadcast program, broadcast programme |
アーク放電 | arc discharge |
グロー放電 | glow discharge |
コロナ放電 | corona discharge |
シンクロトロン放射 | synchrotron radiation |
ステレオ放送 | stereo broadcasting |
宇宙背景放射 | cosmic background radiation |
火花放電 | spark discharge |
解放の神学 | liberation theology, theology of liberation |
開放血管系 | open blood-vascular system |
開放性結核 | open tuberculosis |
開放創 | open wound |
インターネット放送 | Webcast, Internet broadcast |
衛星テレビ放送 | satellite television |
国外追放 | deportation |
国際放射線防護委員会 | International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP |
債権放棄 | debt forgiveness, debt waiver |
市場開放 | market opening |
地上波放送 | terrestrial broadcasting |
同時放送 | simulcast |
放火殺人 | murder-arson |
放射線医学 | radiology |
放射線治療 | radiation therapy |
放射線被曝 | radiation exposure |