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過 : Overdo
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overdo, exceed, go beyond, error
す.ぎる -す.ぎる -す.ぎ す.ごす あやま.つ あやま.ち よ.ぎる
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 辵 (162) |
Usage Rating: | 285 |
Unicode: | 0904e |
jis208: | 18-65 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
過 Usage examples
生産過剰 | overproduction |
食い過ぎ | overeating |
やり過ぎる 遣り過ぎる | to overdo, to go too far, to go to excess |
言い過ぎる 言過ぎる | to talk or say too much, to go too far, to overstate, to exaggerate |
言い過ごす 言過ごす | to talk or say too much, to go too far, to overstate, to exaggerate |
打ち過ぎる | to hit too much |
積み過ぎる | to overload |
出来過ぎる | to be too much, to be too good to be true |
聞き過ごす 聞き過す 聞過ごす | to fail to catch, to ignore |
過ちを改める | to correct a fault |
過って | in error, by mistake, by accident |
一日を過ごす | to pass a day |
熟れ過ぎる | to be overripe |
過現未 | past, present and future, three temporal states of existence |
過失犯 | crime of negligence, careless offense, careless offence |
過失を許す | to forgive a person for their error, to forgive someone for their mistake |
過硫酸 | persulphuric acid, persulfuric acid |
暗い過去 | shadowy past, murky past |
冗談が過ぎる | to carry a joke too far |
過ぎたこと 過ぎた事 | bygones, the past, past event |
育ち過ぎる | to be overgrown |
飛び過ぎる | to fly past |
飲み過ぎ 飲過ぎ | overdrinking, excessive drinking |
分に過ぎた | undue |
程を過ごす | to go too far, to break bounds |
短過ぎる | to be too short |
過圧密比 | overconsolidation ratio |
過去分詞 | past participle |
過剰人口 | surplus population |
過剰投資 | overinvestment |
過剰投与 | overdosage |
過当競争 | excessive competition |
供給過多 | excessive supply, oversupply |
業務上過失 | (professional) negligence |
成長過程 | growth process |
予選通過者 | qualifier |
一過性肺浸潤 | transient pulmonary infiltration |
過マンガン酸カリウム | potassium permanganate |
過越の祭 過越祭 過ぎ越しの祭 過越しの祭 | Passover |
過換気症候群 | hyperventilation syndrome |
過給機 | supercharger |
過酸化ナトリウム | sodium peroxide |
過酸化バリウム | barium peroxide |
過酸化ベンゾイル | benzoyl peroxide |
過酸化脂質 | fatty acid peroxides |
過酸症 | hyperacidity |