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乏 : Destitution
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destitution, scarce, limited
とぼ.しい とも.しい
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 丿 (4) |
Usage Rating: | 1646 |
Unicode: | 04e4f |
jis208: | 43-19 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
乏 Usage examples
乏しき | poverty |
乏しくなる | to get scarce, to run short |
貧乏に生まれる | to be born poor, to be born into poverty |
欠乏症 | deficiency disease (e.g. protein, vitamin, etc.) |
困苦欠乏 | hardships and privations |
困苦窮乏 | hardships and privations |
耐乏予算 | austerity (belt-tightening) budget |
大漁貧乏 | impoverishment of fishermen because of a bumper catch |
豊作貧乏 | impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest |
空乏層 | depletion layer (of transistor) |
学者貧乏 | good scholars are seldom rich |