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暴 : Outburst
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outburst, rave, fret, force, violence, cruelty, outrage
あば.く あば.れる
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 日 (72) |
Usage Rating: | 692 |
Unicode: | 066b4 |
jis208: | 43-29 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
暴 Usage examples
暴虐を極める | to act with extreme violence |
暴虎馮河 | foolhardy courage |
暴動を治める 暴動を収める | to quell a disturbance |
暴風域 | storm area |
暴力団狩り | roundup of gangsters |
暴力に訴える | to resort to violence |
暴走運転 | reckless driving |
暴力団員 | gangster, mobster, yakuza (member) |
政治的暴力 | political violence |
政治暴力 | political violence |
組織暴力団 | organized crime syndicate, organised crime syndicate |
婦女暴行 | rape |
暴力団抗争 | gangland war |
暴虐非道 | violent and cruel, tyrannical and atrocious |
乱暴狼藉 | running amok (amuck), committing an outrage, rampageous behavior |
暴れ川 | river which often overflows its banks |
暴露戦術 | exposure tactics, muckraking tactics |
暴悪無類 | incomparably ruthless, diabolical |
暴力沙汰 | (committing, resorting to) an act of violence |
暴力手段 | violent means |
暴力団組員 | mobsters, gangsters |
一暴十寒 | strenuous efforts, unless sustained, are to no avail (Mencius) |
暴投 | wild pitch |
校内暴力 | school violence |
暴力シーン | violent scene (in a movie, etc.) |