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我 : Ego
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ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
われ わ わ.が- わが-
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 戈 (62) |
Usage Rating: | 829 |
Unicode: | 06211 |
jis208: | 18-70 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
我 Usage examples
我楽多市 | rummage sale |
人我 | oneself and others |
如是我聞 | thus I hear (quote from the sutras), these ears have heard |
我宗の徒 | believer of my denomination |
我が身を恨む | to blame oneself |
我が世の春 | heyday, prime |
我にもあらず 我にも非ず | absentmindedly, in spite of oneself |
我見 | selfish mind |
怪我の功名 | fortunate error, lucky break, fluke |
我楽多 | junk, rubbish, trash, garbage, odds and ends |
我慢強い | (very) patient, persevering |
我が校 | our school, my school |
我を忘れる | to forget oneself, to lose control of oneself |
強情我慢 | obstinate and self-assertive |
我関せず | no concern of mine, nothing to do with me |
我慢汁 | pre-ejaculate, pre-ejaculatory fluid, pre-cum |
大怪我 | serious injury |
我が社 我社 | our company, my company |
我鳴る | to yell, to shout, to scream, to bawl |
我に返る | to calm down |
超自我 | superego |
我慢比べ | contest of endurance |