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本 : Book
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book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 10 |
Unicode: | 0672c |
jis208: | 43-60 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
本 Usage examples
欠本 | missing volume |
流布本 | popular edition |
流通資本 | circulating capital |
流動資本 | floating capital |
好色本 | erotic or pornographic book (Edo period) |
一年生草本 | annual herb |
一本取る | to beat, to gain a point, to upset |
越年草本 | biennial herb |
巻子本 | roll, scroll, rolled book |
資本無し | without capital |
掌中本 | pocket edition |
摺本 | folded book |
純日本式 | purely Japanese style |
選対本部 | election headquarters |
当の本人 | the person himself |
藤本 | climbing trees, liana |
日本領 | Japanese territory |
控え見本 | duplicate sample |
本腰を入れる | to set about in earnest |
本初 | beginning, origin, start |
本省詰め | service at the Head Office |
本年度 | current year (fiscal, academic, etc.) |
本の間 | between two books |
本の少し | just a little |
本の虫 | bookworm, bibliophile, bibliophage |
本物で通る | to pass for (as) genuine |
本欄 | this column |
本を編む | to compile a book |
本を出す | to publish a book, to put out a book |
本を広げる | to open a book |
模式標本 | type specimen |
本を正す 本を糺す 本をただす | to go to the bottom of an affair, to inquire into the origin |
日本国民 | Japanese citizen, Japanese citizens |
基本語 | basic vocabulary item |
脚本家 | scriptwriter, playwright, scenario writer |
根本原理 | fundamental (basic) principles, fundamentals, ground rules |
資本力 | capital strength (of an enterprise) |
資本論 | Das Kapital, Capital |
自己本位 | self-centeredness, self-centredness, selfishness, egotism, egoism |
性本能 | sex instinct |
製本屋 | bookbinder |
日本学術会議 | Science Council of Japan |
日本銀行 | Bank of Japan, BOJ, BoJ |
日本時間 | Japan time |
日本庭園 | Japanese-style garden, traditional Japanese landscape garden |
漫画本 | comic book |
稀覯本 | rare book |
全日本 | All-Japan |
運転資本 | working capital |
二本立て映画 2本立て映画 | double feature (movie) |
三本立て映画 3本立て映画 | triple feature (movie) |
株主資本利益率 | return on equity, ROE |
資本関係 | capital ties |
資本基盤 | capital base |