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魔 : Witch
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witch, demon, evil spirit
Strokes: | 21 |
Radical: | 鬼 (194) |
Usage Rating: | 1514 |
Unicode: | 09b54 |
jis208: | 43-66 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
魔 Usage examples
白魔 | heavy snowfall, white devil |
閻魔の庁 | judgment seat of Yama (judgement) |
降魔 | conquering the devil |
収集魔 | collecting maniac |
放火魔 | pyromaniac |
魔の海峡 | dangerous strait |
魔術的経済学 | voodoo economics |
お邪魔虫 御邪魔虫 | someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose, fly in the ointment, buttinsky, third wheel |
閻魔大王 | Yama, judge of the afterlife |
寸善尺魔 | in evil, there is odds, there is more evil than good in this world, one good thing tends to cause many bad things to happen |
閻魔蟋蟀 | Oriental garden cricket, Emma field cricket |
悪魔調伏 | exorcism, praying down evil spirits |
好事多魔 | Happy events are often accompanied by difficulties, Unsullied joy is rare |
魔女っ子 魔女子 | magical girl, young witch |
逢魔が時 逢魔が刻 逢魔ヶ刻 逢魔ヶ時 逢う魔が時 逢う魔が刻 逢う魔ヶ時 逢う魔ヶ刻 | twilight |
破魔 | exorcism |
魔法のキノコ | magic mushrooms |
魔道士 魔導師 魔導士 魔道師 | sorcerer, wizard, mage |
使い魔 | familiar (spirit or otherwise magical creature which aids a magician or sorcerer), familiar spirit |