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慢 : Ridicule
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Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 心 (61) |
Usage Rating: | 1368 |
Unicode: | 06162 |
jis208: | 43-93 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
慢 Usage examples
慢性病 | chronic disease |
我慢強い | (very) patient, persevering |
慢性骨髄性白血病 | chronic myelogenous (myeloid) leukemia, CML |
慢性疾患 | chronic disease, chronic illness |
強情我慢 | obstinate and self-assertive |
職務怠慢 | neglect (dereliction) of duty, negligence |
高慢ちき | arrogant, haughty |
高慢さ | pride, arrogance, haughtiness |
我慢汁 | pre-ejaculate, pre-ejaculatory fluid, pre-cum |
慢性肝炎 | chronic hepatitis |
慢性閉塞性肺疾患 | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD |
慢性期 | chronic phase |
慢性気管支炎 | chronic bronchitis |
我慢比べ | contest of endurance |