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未 : Un-
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un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac
いま.だ ま.だ ひつじ
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 650 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
未 Usage examples
過現未 | past, present and future, three temporal states of existence |
癸未 | 20th of the sexagenary cycle |
未踏峰 未登峰 | unclimbed mountain |
未開人 | barbarian, savage, savage (primitive) people (race) |
未開地 | savage (barbaric) land, backward region, undeveloped area |
未確認情報 | unconfirmed information |
未納者 | person in arrears, (tax) defaulter |
未来学 | futurology |
未だしも | rather, better |
未知語 | unknown language, unknown word |
未公開株式 | private equity |
未払いローン | outstanding loan |
未処理 | untreated, left unattended (to), still to be dealt with, unprocessed |
未開封 | unopened (state), with an unbroken seal |
未必の故意 | conscious neglect, willful negligence, wilful negligence |
未練がましい | stubborn (not knowing when to give up), irresolute |
尽未来際 | to the end of time, to the crack of doom, for ever and ever |
希代未聞 | unheard-of, unparalleled |
前人未発 | unprecedented, unheard-of, never propounded (discovered, invented) by anyone before |
未開野蛮 | primitive and barbarous, uncivilized and barbaric |
未練未酌 | regret and sympathy, having lingering attachment and sympathy toward someone |
未確認 | unconfirmed, unidentified |
未解放部落 | burakumin area |
未だかつて 未だ嘗て 未だ曾て | not until now (with neg. verb), never yet |
未受精卵 未授精卵 | unfertilized egg |
近未来政治研究会 | Kinmirai Seiji Kenkyukai (faction of the LDP) |
未然防止 | prevention |