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民 : People
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Usage Rating: | 28 |
Unicode: | 06c11 |
jis208: | 44-17 |
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民 Usage examples
難民条約 | Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees |
領民 | population of a fief |
官と民の協力 | cooperation between the private and public sectors |
飢民 | starving people |
国民皆保険 | medical insurance for the whole nation |
済民 | relieving the sufferings of the people |
自公民 | Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito and Democratic Socialist Party |
地元民 | local people |
蒸民 烝民 | the masses, the people |
道民 | people of Hokkaido |
農漁民 | the fishing and agrarian populace |
民社党 | Democratic Socialist Party |
民青 | Democratic Youth League of Japan |
民泊 | private residence temporarily taking lodgers |
民放 | commercial broadcast |
民踊 | folk dance |
日本国民 | Japanese citizen, Japanese citizens |
国民経済 | national economy |
市民生活 | civic life |
市民大会 | mass meeting |
住民投票 | local referendum, poll of residents, plebiscite |
社会民主党 | Social Democratic Party |
社民党 | Social Democratic Party |
選挙民 | voters, electorate |
大和民族 | Yamato race |
民間団体 | nongovernment organization (organisation), NGO |
民族衣装 | national costume, (in) native dress |
異民族 | different race, different ethnic group, different peoples |
常民 | (common) people |
民生用 | consumer (use) |
民生用機 | consumer equipment |
民事再生法 | Civil Rehabilitation Law |
アフリカ民族会議 | African National Congress, ANC |
移住民 | immigrant, emigrant |
移民政策 | immigration policy |
移民労働者 | immigrant worker |
英国民 | British person, British citizen, Briton |
民事法律扶助制度 | civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people) |
民事法律扶助 | civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people) |
国民的基盤 | popular base |
人民元 | Chinese Yuan, renminbi (currency) |
環境難民 | environmental refugee |
議会制民主主義 | parliamentary democracy |
国民健康保険制度 | national health insurance program (programme) |
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR |
植民地化 | colonization, colonisation |
植民地支配 | colonial rule |
植民地主義 | colonialism |
新植民地主義 | neo-colonialism |
漂流難民 | boat people |
民間部門 | private sector |
民主改革 | democratic reform |
民主主義国家 | democratic nation, democratic country |
国民党 | Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party), Kuomintang |
多民族国家 | multiracial nation, multiethnic country |