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務 : Task
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Unicode: | 052d9 |
jis208: | 44-19 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
務 Usage examples
職務給 | wages based on job evaluation |
職務質問 | police questioning |
要務 | important business |
重い任務 | important task |
議長を務める | to act as chairman |
行務 | bank business |
訟務部 | Litigation Department (of the Ministry of Justice) |
事務屋 | office worker, clerk |
事務を執る | to do (attend to) business |
事務を見る | to attend to business |
総務局 | General Affairs Bureau |
義務感 | sense of duty (obligation) |
客室乗務員 | cabin crew |
教務課 | educational affairs section, academic affairs section |
業務上過失 | (professional) negligence |
業務妨害 | obstruction of business, interference of business |
勤務時間 | office (business, working) hours |
銀行業務 | banking services |
事務用品 | office supplies, stationery |
執務室 | office (e.g. the Oval Office) |
守秘義務違反 | abuse of confidentiality |
総務課 | general affairs section |
法律事務所 | law office, law firm |
共同義務者 | co-debtor |
償還義務者 | guarantor (of a payment) |
外務員 | canvasser |
総務省 | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (formerly Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications) |
財務省 | Ministry of Finance |
会計実務 | accounting practice |
企業債務 | corporate debt |
基幹業務 | mission-critical task, business-critical matter |
業務の外部委託 | outsourcing |
業務改善命令 | business improvement order |
業務上過失致死 | professional negligence resulting in death |
軍事任務 | military mission |
公的債務 | sovereign debt |
国連難民高等弁務官事務所 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR |
債務救済 | debt relief |
債務交換 | debt swap |
債務削減 | debt reduction |
債務帳消し | debt forgiveness |
債務超過 | insolvency |
債務負担 | debt load |
債務保証 | loan guarantee |
財務格付け | financial strength ratings |
財務報告書 | financial reports |
財務力格付け | financial strength ratings |
事務系労働者 | white-collar |
税務調査 | tax inquiry, tax enquiry, tax investigation |
直接労務費 | direct labor costs, direct labour costs |
二酸化炭素削減義務 | carbon dioxide reducing obligation |
納税義務 | tax liability |
無担保債務 | unsecured debt |
書類事務 | paperwork |
事務処理 | paperwork |
業務用 | business use, business purposes |
業務課長 | head of business department |
公務中 | on duty |
公務員管理職 | executive positions in the civil service |