雪明り 雪明かり | brightness of snow, reflected light of snow, (by) snow light |
黎明期 | dawning (of a new era), dawn |
風光明媚 風光明美 | scenic, beautiful, picturesque |
待ち明かす | to wait all night |
解き明かす | to explain, to dispel doubts |
透明度 | transparency, degree of clearness |
明るみに出す 明るみにだす | to make public, to bring to light |
明け六つ | the sixth hour of the morning |
穴明き銭 | perforated coin |
忌が明ける | to come out of mourning |
新発明 | new invention (discovery) |
早明戦 | Waseda-Meiji (baseball) game |
秘密を明かす | to disclose a secret |
文明館 | the Bunmeikan Theater |
文明が進むに連れて | with the advance of civilization (civilisation) |
明年度 | next (fiscal) year |
明朝体 | Ming-style typeface, Mincho |
明初 | first year of Meiji era |
明治座 | the Meijiza Theater |
明眸皓歯 | starry eyes and beautiful white teeth (said of beautiful women) |
埒が明かない らちが明かない | make no progress, remain unsettled |
立明戦 | Rikkyo-Meiji (baseball) game |
連休明け | end of consecutive holidays |
演繹的説明法 | deductive method |
説明的妥当性 | explanatory adequacy |
透明性の原理 | transparency principle |
不透明性 | opacity |
居住証明書 | certificate of residence |
在学証明書 | certificate of student status, student ID card |
成績証明書 | transcript of results, report of results |
西欧文明 | Western civilization, Western civilisation |
西洋文明 | Western civilization, Western civilisation |
転出証明 | change of address certificate |
透明人間 | invisible man |
発明者 | inventor |
補足説明 | supplementary explanation |
明細表 | itemized account, itemised account |
明治天皇 | Emperor Meiji |
疎明 | explanation (for purpose of convincing a judge) |
口明け | beginning, opening, commencement (e.g. of sales), first sale |
インダス文明 | Indus (valley) civilization (civilisation) |
アクセント照明 | accent lighting |
カリ明礬 | potassium alum |
クロム明礬 | chrome alum |
シーリング照明器具 | ceiling light |
宇宙論的証明 | cosmological argument |
やの明後日 弥の明後日 | four days from today |
五明後日 | four days from now (five days in some places) |
闡明 | make clear, explicate, explain |
死亡証明書 | death certificate |
文明諸国 | civilized world, civilised world |
文明世界 | civilized world, civilised world |