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模 : Imitation
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Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 木 (75) |
Usage Rating: | 668 |
Unicode: | 06a21 |
jis208: | 44-47 |
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模 Usage examples
織り模様 | woven pattern or design |
雪模様 | snowflake pattern |
染め模様 | dyed pattern |
模試 | mock examination, trial examination |
模式標本 | type specimen |
実物大模型 | full-size model, mock-up |
模型飛行機 | model plane |
模造紙 | imitation Japanese vellum |
模範囚 | well-behaved (model) prisoner, trusty (trustee) |
酸模 | garden (cock) sorrel, sour dock |
市松模様 | checks, check (checkered, chequered) pattern, checkerboard |
絵模様 | picturesque design |
小規模金融 | microfinance |
時雨模様 | showery sky, (it is) looking showery |
人生模様 | facets (aspects) of (human) life |
人間模様 | fabric (pattern) of human relationships |
模様次第 | according to circumstances, dependent on the state of things |
模する | to trace, to forge, to mock, to replace, to model after |
模擬投票 | mock voting |