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猛 : Fierce
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fierce, rave, rush, become furious, wildness, strength
たけ たけし たける
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 犭 (94) |
Usage Rating: | 1301 |
Unicode: | 0731b |
jis208: | 44-52 |
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猛 Usage examples
威あって猛からず 威有って猛からず | dignified without being overbearing, being dignified, and moreover warm, as such one is gentle |
猛練習 | hard training |
猛特訓 | training extra hard |
猛勉強 | studying extra hard |
猛禽類 | birds of prey (of order Falconiformes or Strigiformes), raptors |
猛る | to be excited, to be fierce |
勇猛果敢 | daring and resolute, having dauntless courage |
酷寒猛暑 | bitter cold and fierce heat |
益荒猛男 | brave and stalwart man |
猛烈社員 | gung-ho organization (corporate) man (woman), go-getter worker, hard-driving worker, workaholic employee |
勇猛精進 | engage in ascetic practices with dauntless spirit |
勇猛無比 | most brave, as brave as any, unmatched for valor |
猛スピード | great speed, recklessly fast speed |
猛 | extreme, severe |
盗人猛々しい 盗っ人猛々しい 盗人猛猛しい | the guilty are audacious, not showing remorse in spite of being in the wrong |
猛暑日 | extremely hot day (i.e. 35 degrees Celsius or greater) |