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黙 : Silence
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silence, become silent, stop speaking, leave as is
だま.る もだ.す
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 黒 (203) |
Usage Rating: | 1338 |
Unicode: | 09ed9 |
jis208: | 44-59 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
黙 Usage examples
黙し難い | unable to decline, hard to refuse |
暗黙の主語 | understood subject |
熟思黙想 | considering (a matter) carefully and silently, being lost in silent contemplation |
温厚寡黙 | gentle and reticent |
沈黙寡言 | taciturn, reticent |
黙示的 | implied, implicit |
暗黙の了解 | tacit understanding, unspoken agreement |
暗黙知 | tacit knowledge (knowledge management terminology) |