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介 : Jammed in
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jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 人 (9) |
Usage Rating: | 617 |
Unicode: | 04ecb |
jis208: | 18-80 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
介 Usage examples
仲人を介して | through a matchmaker |
米の介入 | intervention of America |
軍事介入 | armed intervention, military intervention |
新刊紹介 | book review |
武力介入 | armed intervention |
紹介文 | introductory essay |
狷介 | obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, self-centred, self-centered |
介護保険 | nursing insurance |
介護保険制度 | nursing-care insurance system |
政府介入 | government intervention |
介する | to worry, to mind, to care |
要介護 | primary nursing care, nursing care level (with number between 1 and 5 based on assessed care needs) |
介党鱈 | walleye pollack, Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) |
狷介固陋 | stubbornly sticking to old ways |
狷介不羈 | being stubbornly independent |
狷介孤高 | stubborn and aloof |
介護士 | carer, nurse |
要介護認定 | primary nursing care requirement authorization (a 5-level graded system under health insurance) |
介護認定 | nursing care authorization |
要介護度 | nursing care level (between 1 and 5 based on assessment of care requirements) |
介護者 | caregiver, carer |
介音 | medial, final-head (glide before the center vowel in Chinese) |
花嫁介添人 | bridesmaid |