生徒会 | student council |
敬老会 | meeting to show respect for the aged |
経済社会理事会 | UN Economic and Social Council |
職員会議 | staff meeting |
講習会 | class, short course |
立会い 立ち会い | session, market |
立会人 | witness, observer |
立会演説 | campaign speech |
委員会に諮る | to submit (a plan) to a committee for deliberation |
委員会を置く | to form a committee |
内の会社 | our company |
会員章 | membership badge |
会議に加わる | to take part in a conference |
会計課 | accounts (accounting) section |
会合に臨む | to be present at a meeting |
会社勤め | working for a company, being employed by a company |
会社葬 | company funeral |
会社に出る | to go to the office, to be at work |
会社の主 | great old-timer of the firm |
会社を起こす | to set up a company |
会社を辞める | to leave the company |
会話の組 | conversation class |
会を抜ける | to withdraw from a society, to quit an association |
会を催す | to hold a meeting |
観楓会 | get-together to enjoy the autumn foliage |
岳友会 | mountaineering club |
機会を逃す | to miss a chance, to miss an opportunity |
国会対策委員会 | committee of the National Diet |
社会層 | stratum of society |
全アジア会議 | Pan-Asiatic Conference |
大使級会談 | ambassador-level conference |
辛い目に会う | to have a hard time of it |
展覧会に出す | to send to an exhibition |
都会を離れる | to leave town |
同委員会 | the same committee |
道議会 | Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly |
法会 | Buddhist service (e.g. memorial service) |
放生会 | ceremony of releasing captive animals |
また会う日まで 又会う日迄 | till we meet again |
社会経済 | socio-economics, social economy |
映画会社 | movie company |
英会話学校 | English conversation school |
英国国教会 | Anglican Church, Church of England |
家族会議 | family council |
花火大会 | display of fireworks, firework(s) display |
会計係 | accountant, accounting clerk, cashier, treasurer |
会計報告 | financial report |
学生自治会 | student body, student council |
管理社会 | controlled society, regulated society |
観劇会 | theater party, theatre party |
議会主義 | parliamentarism |
研究発表会 | meeting for reading research papers |
公安委員会 | public safety commission |
講和会議 | peace conference |
国会議事録 | Diet Record |
国語審議会 | Japanese Language Council |