風解 | efflorescence, loss of crystallization water to the air |
割り解す 割解す | to beat (e.g. egg), to whip (e.g. cream) |
解き明かす | to explain, to dispel doubts |
物解りの良い | sensible, understanding |
解散説 | rumor of dissolution (rumour) |
解を示す | to show the solution |
禁を解く | to lift (remove) a ban |
訓解 | interpretation, explanation |
囚を解く | to be relieved from captivity |
相互理解を図る | to strive for mutual understanding |
解けない | unsolvable, insoluble |
読解力 | reading comprehension, ability to read and understand |
難解文の釈 | elucidation of a difficult passage |
結び目を解く | to undo a knot |
理解を深める | to cultivate a better understanding |
符号解読 | decoding |
英文解釈 | interpreting an English text |
解決法 | solution, way out |
解散権 | right to dissolve (e.g. the Diet) |
解説書 | (instruction) manual, handbook |
解答用紙 | answer sheet |
解答欄 | answer column (section) |
解放感 | sense of liberation, feeling of freedom |
拡大解釈 | broad interpretation |
規制解除 | deregulation, removal (easing) of (official) restrictions |
数値解析 | numerical analysis |
正解者 | person who gives the right (correct) answer |
奴隷解放 | emancipation of slaves |
統一見解 | collective view (opinion) |
農奴解放 | emancipation of serfs |
発展的解消 | dissolution of several sections into a new organization (organisation) |
分解写真 | photographic playback |
分解修理 | (complete) overhaul |
了解事項 | understanding (between the two) |
解れる | to become frayed, to become loose |
解れ | fray, frayed spot |
解止 | termination |
加水分解酵素 | hydrolytic enzyme |
解き櫛 | wide-toothed comb |
解け合い 解合い 解合 | liquidation by compromise |
解け合う 解合う | to cancel mutually (contract, etc.) |
解釈学 | hermeneutics |
解析学 | analysis |
解糖 | glycolysis |
解き難い 解きがたい 解難い | difficult to solve, intractable (problem) |
解放の神学 | liberation theology, theology of liberation |
解離熱 | heat of dissociation |
自動解凍 | self-extracting (computer file) |
公権的解釈 | official interpretation or construction (e.g. of a law) |
政治的解決 | political solution |
生物分解 | biodegradation |
微生物分解 | biodegradation |
有権解釈 | official interpretation or construction (e.g. of a law) |